We are excited for this Fridays Pizza, Movie & Snowball evening.
With temps cooling off and our kiddos back in school it is a great time to join us.
Kick off the weekend with us Friday in the Gathering Garden for our next Pizza and Movie. Come early with your blankets & chairs to get your space to all gather together for some Family Fun.
Friday OCTOBER 18th
Opening — Gates open at 5:30pm
Pizza — Heart in Hand Bread served from 5:30 - 8:00pm
Movie — To BE ANNOUNCED, 7:00ish
Snowballs — Grab your favorite from The Peggy 4:00 - 9:00pm
Join us in The Gathering Garden the First and Third Friday nights in OCTOBER behind the Cottage for a family fun filled evening together.
Heart in Hand will be serving their Artisan Sourdough Pizza from 5:30-8:30. Pre-orders will begin the Wednesday prior and the weekly menu will be updated below in this post as released. NOTE — Pre-orders close Friday at 5pm. The menu will say “sold out” but that’s only for online orders. Walk up orders may be placed.
Our @thepeggy.centurysnowballs will be served until 9
Movies will start at sundown. Come early with your blankets & chairs to get your space to all gather together for some late Summer Fun.
10/18 PIZZA MENU //
Pre-order menu opens the Wednesday prior. Choose your time slot and place your order in their bio @heartinhandbread. Sign up for a text when the menu drops here: https://www.hotplate.com/baketent917
Walk-up orders are welcome too. They will be making pizza until 8:00pm or until they sellout.
Please reach out heartinhandbread@gmail.com if you have any questions!